Selection of trainers in the implementation of activity 5 Training “Skillful and useful”.

DEAR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, In connection with the implementation of activity 5 Training “Skillful and useful” of project proposal CB005.2.23.004 “Sozopol and Edirne – united for culture and tourism” and Contract № 18 / 21.12.2020, we invite trainers to conduct trainings on crafts – jewelry, weaving, knitting and embroidery. Training in 4 crafts (jewelry, weaving, […]

Bulgarian-French team resumes the archeological excavations of the site “Malkoto Kale” near Sozopol

After a break of more than 45 years, a Bulgarian-French team resumed archeological excavations at the site “Malkoto Kale” – one of the most important Thracian fortresses on the ridge of Meden rid, located in the vicinity of ancient Apollonia (now Sozopol). The fortress was created during the Early Iron Age (8th – 6th century BC) by the Thracians – Skirmians, mentioned in later historical sources as Asti.